Kiinnostaako kuratointi? Kuratoinnin ABC -luentotyöpaja 29.10.2024

Kiinnostaako kuratointi? Kuratoinnin ABC -luentotyöpaja 29.10.2024

 Ajankohta: tiistaina 29.10. klo 17-20Paikka: tarkentuu, livenä Helsingissä Mitä on näyttelyjen kuratointi kuraattorin näkökulmasta? Missä taidetta voisi nähdä tulevaisuudessa?Kiinnostaako näyttelyjen kuratointi? Haluaisitko tehdä näyttelyehdotuksia mutta et tiedä mistä aloittaa. Miten näyttelyitä voi ehdottaa ja miten näyttely kannattaa konseptoida? Minkälainen on hyvä näyttelyehdotus? Miten voisi toimia freelancer-kuraattorina? Miten hinnoitella työtä? Mitä kannattaa ottaa huomioon? Ilmoittautumisohjeet ja…

Yue Yu to collaborate with Finnish Art Agency

Yue Yu to collaborate with Finnish Art Agency

Finnish Art Agency is happy to announce new collaboration with curator Yue Yu. “Yue Yu can offer our partners and clients new connections in central Europe, China and Japan. We will host workshops and work together to achieve more international working opportunities for artists and culture and art organisations. We will host our first workshop…

Theater for 2024!

Theater for 2024!

Written by Salla Viikka and directed by Sini Pesonen, Kalasatama is a pill-tasting and tragicomically (nostalgic) journey from lockers and closets into freedom and holistic wellbeing. The play is based on a novel by Tuuve Aro. Starring Joanna Haartti, Markku Haussila, Heli Hyttinen, Santtu Karvonen and Minna Suuronen. The premiere in Ryhmäteatteri on February 13th!…

The Helsinki Baroque Orchestra’s concerts in December

The Helsinki Baroque Orchestra’s concerts in December

During December Finnish Art Agency has invited art and culture organisations and companies to share their immaterial gift ideas! So stay tuned for inspiring ideas where to go, what to see and how to enjoy art and culture in various different forms! The Helsinki Baroque Orchestra plays early music respecting its original language. In the…

Gumbostrand Konst & Form invites you to Christmas spirit

Gumbostrand Konst & Form invites you to Christmas spirit

During December Finnish Art Agency has invited art and culture organisations and companies to share their immaterial gift ideas! So stay tuned for inspiring ideas where to go, what to see and how to enjoy art and culture in various different forms! Give your loved ones an unforgettable Christmas present and visit Gumbotrand Konst & Form!…

Artist – would you like to show your craft works to a curator?

Do you work with craft? Would you like to present your recent works for a curator?  We are hosting a curator guest and would definitely like to show your craft art to her.  If you wish to show your works in Helsinki for Anne please send your website link, images of the works/portfolio to info(at)…