Review of Laura Robertson’s workshop by artist Alex Markwith
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Review of Laura Robertson’s workshop by artist Alex Markwith

Every time I write, I create myself Creative writing workshop with Laura Robertson I had the pleasure of being a Zoom participant in a creative writing workshop with Laura Robertson of the Double Negative, hosted by the Finnish Art Agency in Helsinki. It was a highly engaging two hours during which we explored different approaches…

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Online writing workshops with art critics Laura Robertson and Mike Pinnington (UK)

On the 26th of June Finnish Art Agency is happy to host two workshops online with professional art critics and writers Laura Robertson and Mike Pinnington. The two sessions are held online (zoom) and you can purchase them by e-mailing your enrolment to info ( at ) In the e-mail you can write if…

We offer a partnership you wish you have had when you started as a creative
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We offer a partnership you wish you have had when you started as a creative

This year, Finnish Art Agency is celebrating 10 years of business with the creatives and companies who have a creative soul. While focusing on actively developing our clients’ careers and goals we aim to offer a partnership that will support creatives on many levels. – strategic planning– growth and sustainable entrepreneurship as a creative– curatorial…

Workshop on 3rd of April for artists and one-to-one coaching combo!

Workshop on 3rd of April for artists and one-to-one coaching combo!

Zoom workshop (2h) for artists on 3rd of April at 11 am (UTC) and one personal one-to-one session with host Laura Köönikkä, MA, solution-focused coach & mentor. Sign up now! Email your name and contact info to: Content of the workshop:Is there a project or a process you don’t know how to start? Or…

Ääniä taidealan hiljaiselle tiedolle – Pirkko Siitari ja Sanna Karimäki-Nuutinen APOLLO-ohjelman asiantuntijoina
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Ääniä taidealan hiljaiselle tiedolle – Pirkko Siitari ja Sanna Karimäki-Nuutinen APOLLO-ohjelman asiantuntijoina

Finnish Art Agency käynnistää uuden taiteilijoiden suomenkielisen mentorointiohjelman. Ohjelma kestää kuuden kuukauden ajan tammikuusta kesäkuulle 2023. Täydennyskoulutuksessa on mahdollisuus saada käytännön välineitä esimerkiksi omien jumiutuneiden ajatusten, suurilta tuntuvien positiivisten tai pohdituttavien haasteiden kanssa. Osallistujat pystyvät keskittymään heille itselle merkityksellisimpiin ja tärkeisiin aiheisiin ohjatuissa etätyöpajoissa. Työpajoja ohjaa APOLLO-ohjelmassa ratkaisukeskeinen työnohjaaja, certified business coach ja yli 15 vuotta taideasiantuntijan…