Yue Yu to collaborate with Finnish Art Agency

Finnish Art Agency is happy to announce new collaboration with curator Yue Yu. “Yue Yu can offer our partners and clients new connections in central Europe, China and Japan. We will host workshops and work together to achieve more international working opportunities for artists and culture and art organisations. We will host our first workshop in March so keep following our channels to keep yourself updated about it. It is definitely a benefit to work together with Yue and learn and share different ways of working in the art and culture scene. We both believe in open dialogue in international collaboration and see the benefits of working together in culture and arts. “, Laura Köönikkä, founder of Finnish Art Agency. 

Dr. Yue Yu is a Chinese art historian and independent curator based in Helsinki. With multi-cultural study and work experiences in China, Japan, Italy and France, Yue is passionate about fostering deeper understanding across different cultures. Her concern for underrepresented artistic scenes led her to deliver a talk at the international conference “Art in the Periphery” in Lisbon in 2019, as well as a curatorial residency in Hungary and Slovakia at Easttopics in 2022. Her research and curatorial practice focus on establishing dialogues between the center and the periphery, the past and the present. 

Yue holds a Ph.D. in Art History (2023, University of Lille & Ecole du Louvre, France) and two Master’s respectively in Aesthetics (2015, University of Osaka, Japan) and Comparative Literature (2017, Sorbonne Nouvelle University Paris 3, France). She is also a research fellow at the University of Tokyo for Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies in 2019.

Her recent projects include “Oriental Dream — Yves Klein’s journey in Asia” (2024, Art Museum of Nanjing University, China), “Abstraction in Asia, from 1960 to nowadays China | Japan | Korea” (2019, Vazieux Art Gallery Paris, France), as well as an international conference on artistic exchanges between East Asia and the West from 19th century to nowadays (2023, École française d’Extrême-Orient, France).

If you wish to work with us, please get in direct touch with info(at)finnishartagency.com or laura(at)finnishartagency.com +358 50 533 0509