Review of Laura Robertson’s workshop by artist Alex Markwith
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Review of Laura Robertson’s workshop by artist Alex Markwith

Every time I write, I create myself Creative writing workshop with Laura Robertson I had the pleasure of being a Zoom participant in a creative writing workshop with Laura Robertson of the Double Negative, hosted by the Finnish Art Agency in Helsinki. It was a highly engaging two hours during which we explored different approaches…

We offer a partnership you wish you have had when you started as a creative
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We offer a partnership you wish you have had when you started as a creative

This year, Finnish Art Agency is celebrating 10 years of business with the creatives and companies who have a creative soul. While focusing on actively developing our clients’ careers and goals we aim to offer a partnership that will support creatives on many levels. – strategic planning– growth and sustainable entrepreneurship as a creative– curatorial…

Meet SHIFT 2022 member artist Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen (DK)
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Meet SHIFT 2022 member artist Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen (DK)

Tell me about your background? How did you end up making art?I always knew that I wanted to make art, but saying it out loud and choosing that way of living took some time and courage. Only after I had a bachelor’s in Pedagogy and Museology from the university, and where I was at the…

APPLY NOW: SHIFT international mentoring and coaching program SPRING 2023
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APPLY NOW: SHIFT international mentoring and coaching program SPRING 2023

Finnish Art Agency is looking for artists who are particularly motivated and committed to push their career forward and act based on their goals. Artists who are willing to seek change and motivated to build a better and more sustainable professional future. All artists from various different stages of their careers are welcome to apply….

Shift is here soon…
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Shift is here soon…

SHIFT mentoring program 2022 is here soon! Building the program has been exciting and we are so grateful for the amazing list of external international arts and culture professionals who will share their knowledge and experiences with the participating artists. Building a network during times like these can be challenging. How to reach institutions, how…

Ilmoittaudu mukaan!
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Ilmoittaudu mukaan!

Iltapäivän ohjaa: Taidealan asiantuntija, mentori, valmistuva ratkaisukeskeinen työnohjaaja ja coach Laura Köönikkä. Iltapäivän sisältö: Voimavaroihin ja ratkaisukeskeisyyteen keskittyvän iltapäivän aikana osallistujat pääsevät tutustumaan oman itsemyötätuntonsa keinohin, positiivisen työotteen kasvattamiseen ja resilienssin käsitteeseen. Iltapäivän aikana tehdään harjoituksia, jotka tukevat omaa luovan työn motivaatiota. Ajankohta 17.3. klo 13-16 Paikka: etänä eli zoomissa Hinta: 30€ (sis. alv 24%)…