APOLLO-Mentorointiohjelma 2023

 APOLLO-Mentorointiohjelma 2023

Finnish Art Agency järjestää uuden APOLLO-mentorointiohjelman 2023  Finnish Art Agency käynnistää uuden taiteilijoiden suomenkielisen mentorointiohjelman. Ohjelma kestää kuuden kuukauden ajan tammikuusta kesäkuulle 2023. Täydennyskoulutuksessa on mahdollisuus saada käytännön välineitä esimerkiksi omien jumiutuneiden ajatusten, suurilta tuntuvien positiivisten tai pohdituttavien haasteiden kanssa. Osallistujat pystyvät keskittymään heille itselle merkityksellisimpiin ja tärkeisiin aiheisiin ohjatuissa etätyöpajoissa. Työpajoja ohjaa APOLLO-ohjelmassa ratkaisukeskeinen…

Meet SHIFT 2022 member artist Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen (DK)
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Meet SHIFT 2022 member artist Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen (DK)

Tell me about your background? How did you end up making art?I always knew that I wanted to make art, but saying it out loud and choosing that way of living took some time and courage. Only after I had a bachelor’s in Pedagogy and Museology from the university, and where I was at the…

APPLY NOW: SHIFT international mentoring and coaching program SPRING 2023
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APPLY NOW: SHIFT international mentoring and coaching program SPRING 2023

Finnish Art Agency is looking for artists who are particularly motivated and committed to push their career forward and act based on their goals. Artists who are willing to seek change and motivated to build a better and more sustainable professional future. All artists from various different stages of their careers are welcome to apply….

Self-care session online for creatives

Self-care session online for creatives

Where: online, zoom 3hours session, hosted by MA, coach, mentor Laura KöönikkäLanguage: in English When: 20th of September time, starting at 10am (GMT) Price: 65€ Sign up: info@finnishartagency.com The session will focus on self compassion as a creative & positive mindset & limiting beliefs.Hosted by Certified Business Coach®, mentor, MA Laura Köönikkä. The session will…