Haussa visuaalisen kulttuurin asiantuntija projektiin
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Haussa visuaalisen kulttuurin asiantuntija projektiin

Haemme asiantuntijatehtävään visuaalisen kerronnan asiantuntijaa, joka seuraa Suomen taidekentän uusia tekijöitä ja kiinnostavia teoksia avaralla katseella. Hakijalta toivotaan asiantuntijuutta taidekentän tekijöistä, teoksista ja projekteista. Perehtyneisyys valokuvaan, graffitiin, sarjakuvaan, maalaustaiteeseen, taidejournalismiin tai johonkin muuhun tiettyyn mediaan sekä laaja-alainen käsitys eri taidealoista on positiivista. Toivomme motivoitunutta asennetta, itsenäistä työotetta ja halua nähdä taiteen vaikuttavuuskeinot sekä potentiaali myös…

Group Crit is back! with Mark Devereux and Laura Köönikkä
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Group Crit is back! with Mark Devereux and Laura Köönikkä

“What did you find most useful about the Group Crit?” “Everything!” Group crit and discussion with Mark Devereux and Laura Köönikkä Tuesday 28.11.2017 at 4pm-5.30pm or 6pm-7.30pm Location: Helsinki TBA Fee 80€ + VAT 24% The event is in English To participate book your place by emailing Would you like to receive feedback on…

Interview with sculptor Nick Ervinck: “I am a futurist who is dreaming about the future.”
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Interview with sculptor Nick Ervinck: “I am a futurist who is dreaming about the future.”

Sculptor Nick Ervinck (b. 1981, Belgium) explores the boundaries between various media from sculpture and 3D print installations to architecture and design. Ervinck does not only focus on the autonomous sculptural object but also questions its spatial positioning pointing to phenomenological experience and embodiment of space. He creates huge installations, sculptures, prints, work drawings and…

Maria Laine’s practice is dedication to details
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Maria Laine’s practice is dedication to details

The Superwood weekend is getting closer! Finnish Art Agency has gathered a group of young Finnish visual artists for the festival in a site-specific art exhibition, located in the unique 1960’s interior of Hotel Rantapuisto. We interviewed the breathtakingly talented painter Maria Laine about her love for art, her inspiration and her working methods. What…

Saara Ekström’s new film Amplifier embraces the history of Helsinki
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Saara Ekström’s new film Amplifier embraces the history of Helsinki

In Saara Ekström‘s new film Amplifier the Helsinki Olympic Stadium represents a historical paradigm shift. Completed in 1938 the building outlines pure functionalist architecture and stands as a landmark for optimistic utopia and the oblivion of man’s neglect of history. Two years ago the stadium closed for a major and ongoing restoration. The abandoned athletic field with…

Meet Anu Kauhaniemi our SHIFT mentoring artist
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Meet Anu Kauhaniemi our SHIFT mentoring artist

What kind of thoughts has the SHIFT mentoring program raised in you concerning your own artistic practice? The process of my painting practise hasn’t changed but I have got more ideas and learned how to present my work and myself as well. I’ve learned that the artist can effect one’s own career by making initiatives and…